Preserving a safe and well-maintained community is of utmost importance to the Boca Del Mar Improvement Association. We are totally committed to these responsibilities by maintaining proper signage, lighting and landscaping to provide for it.
No matter what precautions are taken, accidents do happen, and the recent accident at Camino Real and Sanibel was particularly devastating. It resulted in the loss of five lives and left five others with critical injuries, as a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed went out of control and collided with another vehicle going in the opposite direction. We are saddened for the loss and trauma experienced by these families.
The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office has informed us that a traffic survey is scheduled to be performed in the area in the next few weeks. And in the meantime, additional traffic control units will be placed on duty day and night for the enforcement of traffic regulations
Residents in the area of the accident have long been upset by drivers traveling at excessive speed along the Camino Real corridor. The 45 mph speed limit on Camino Real, from Powerline to Military, is well posted and a very reasonable rate of speed. This is a beautiful roadway, long favored by walkers and bicyclists alike and we are making every effort to preserve it as the safe and attractive roadway and walkway that has served us so well for so many years.
We are hopeful that the extra precautions being taken by the Sheriff’s department, and our renewed cognizance of the importance of observing traffic regulations, will have positive results going forward. We must all do our part to keep our community safe by observing the traffic regulations that have been put in place for our personal safety and the safety of our community.
Frank Lewis,
President, Boca Del Mar Improvement Association